学生/家长手册 & 政策

学生/家长手册 2020-2021: IHSA章程 & 政策

本摘要的目的是协助理解IHSA章程和政策. 如本刊物与本会章程及附则有抵触, the constitution and by-laws shall control.

Key Provisions Regarding IHSA Rules Eligibility Rules
When you become a member of an interscholastic team at your high school, 你会发现你的学校和IHSA都有你必须遵守的规则,以便有资格参加校际活动. IHSA的规则已被作为IHSA成员的高中采用,作为协会章程和附则的一部分. 所有成员高中的校际体育比赛都必须遵循这些标准. Your high school may have additional requirements, but they may not be less stringent than these statewide minimums.

学校的校长/官方代表有责任确保只有符合条件的学生才能代表学校参加校际比赛. 有关您的资格的任何问题都应提交给您的负责人/正式代表, who has a complete copy of all IHSA eligibility rules, including the Association’s due process procedure. 只有IHSA执行董事有权对资格作出正式裁决, 因此,如果您的负责人/官方代表有问题或希望协助回答您的问题, the principal/official representative should contact the IHSA Office.

这里包含的信息突出了一些关于校际资格的IHSA附则的最重要的特点. 它的目的是让你知道你必须满足的主要要求,才有资格参加校际竞争. 这里的信息只是对主要章程条款的一般描述,并不包含对章程的完整陈述.  You can review the by-laws in their entirety at www.ihsa.org.

如果你不遵守IHSA章程,你可能会失去参加校际比赛的资格. 还记得, if you have any questions regarding IHSA rules, please contact your principal/official representative.


  1. You may represent only the school you attend. 如果你所在学校是一个合作小组的成员,你可以参加.

  2. 你必须在每学期的第11个上课日之前注册并上课.

  3. If you attend school for ten (10) or more days during any one semester, 它将被算作你可能有资格参加的八(8)个高中学期之一.

  4. 如果你在一个学期中有十(10)天或以上的连续缺课, you are subject to ineligibility for the rest of the semester. 执行主任必须审查您延长缺勤的具体条款,以确定是否属于“失学”.


  1. You must pass twenty-five (25) credit hours of high school work per week. Generally, twenty-five (25) credit hours is the equivalent of five (5) .5学分课程(2.5个完整学分). 

  2. 你必须在前一个学期的高中学习中通过并获得二十五(25)个学分的毕业学分,才有资格在接下来的一个学期学习.

您的资格取决于您与父母一起全职居住的居住地, parent who has been assigned custody by the court, or court appointed legal guardian.

  1. 你和父母都住在同一个学区,你上的是公立高中, custodial parent or court appointed guardian; or

  2. In the case of a multiple school district, 你在出勤区上公立高中,和父母住在一起, custodial parent or court appointed guardian; or

  3. 你已经支付了在与父母同住地区以外的学区就读至少七年级和八年级的公立学校的学费, custodial parent or court appointed guardian and you continue to pay    tuition as a high school student in that same district; or   

  4. 你上的是一所私立或教会学校,位于你和父母住在一起的公立学区的边界内, custodial parent or court appointed guardian; or

  5. 你在私立/教区高中和私立/教区学校读七年级和八年级, or for any four (4) grades from kindergarten through eighth grades; or

  6. You attend the private/parochial high school which one or both of your parents attended; or

  7. 你上的是一所私立或教区高中,距离你和父母住的地方三十英里(30英里)以内, custodial parent or court appointed guardian.


  1. 在所有的转移案例中, 转学学校的校长和转学学校的校长必须在IHSA办公室提供的表格上以书面形式同意转学. 在此表格完全执行并在学校办公室存档之前,您无法获得转学资格. 

  2. If you transfer after classes begin for the current school term, 从你开始在新高中上课之日起的30天内,你绝对没有资格.  除了, 如果你参加过任何团队活动,你将被取消整个学期的任何体育项目的资格, including but not limited to tryouts, 演习, 体能训练, 团队会议, 参加比赛, 等. at the school from which you transferred. 例如, 如果你在你转学和转学的学校参加越野比赛 the IHSA sport season has begun, 你在新学校的整个学期都没有资格参加越野赛.   

  3. If you transfer attendance from one high school to another high school, you will be ineligible unless:

    • 你的转移将与你和你的父母一起改变居住地, 从一个公立学区到另一个公立学区的监护父母或法院指定的监护人;

    • 你的转学是在公立学区内的高中之间,你和你的父母之间, 监护人或法院指定的监护人将住所更改为您转学的学校的学区上课区;

    • Your parents are divorced or legally separated; you transfer to a new school in conjunction with a modification or other change in legal custody between your parents by action of a judge; and required court documents are on file at the school into which you transfer;

  4. If you transfer in conjunction with a change in legal guardianship, a ruling on your eligibility must be obtained from the IHSA Office.

  5. 如果你从一所学校转到另一所学校,而你因任何原因不符合资格, 在你转学之前被规定的不合格期,或者如果你留在学校将被规定的不合格期, will be enforced at the school to which you transfer, even if you are otherwise in compliance with the by-laws.

  6. 任何有关您在上述情况下的资格的问题必须由IHSA执行主任正式裁决解决.

  7. In all other transfer situations, 需要IHSA执行主任的裁决来决定你的资格.  在你参加校际体育比赛之前,这份裁决必须由你转学的学校的校长/官方代表以书面形式获得.

You will become ineligible on the date you become twenty (20) years of age, unless your twentieth (20th) birthday occurs during a sport season. 在这种情况下, 在您二十(20)岁生日期间的体育赛季开始时,您的年龄将失去资格.


身体健康, signed by a licensed physician, 医生的助理或执业护士,以便执业或参与.  Your physical examination is good for 395 days from the date of the exam.  医生的报告必须在你的高中校长/官方代表处存档.


  1. If you win or place in actual competition, you may accept a medal or trophy for that accomplishment, 不受成本限制. 你的学校可能会为IHSA州冠军提供冠军戒指/纪念品.

  2. For participating in competition in an interscholastic sport, or for athletic honors or recognition in a sport, you may receive any type of award (except cash, check or legal tender) that does not exceed $75 fair market value. There is no limitation on the value of your school letter.

  3. The amateur rule does not prohibit you from being paid to referee, receiving pay for teaching lessons or coaching in a little kids league, 等. It only applies to your own competition in an athletic contest.

  4. 如果你违反了业余规则,你就没有资格参加你违反的这项运动. You must be reinstated by the Executive Director before you may compete again.


  1. The by-laws prohibit recruiting of high school students for athletics. 如果你被要求注册或转学到一所学校参加欧博体育app, you are being illegally recruited and your eligibility is in jeopardy.               

  2. 如果您因任何人或团体的招生努力而注册或转到学校,您将失去您的资格, connected with or not connected with the school, related to athletic participation.

  3. 如果你作为一名未来的学生运动员获得了特殊的福利或特权,你将失去你的资格,这些福利或特权不是统一地提供给所有在你学校上学的学生.                   

  4. 你可能不会因为参加欧博体育app而从学校获得“体育奖学金”或任何其他特殊福利. 任何学生运动员接受或被提供的报酬或任何特殊诱因都是违反规定的,而这些报酬或任何特殊诱因并不是所有申请或注册学校的申请人都可以获得的.       

  5. 诱导或试图诱导或鼓励任何未来的学生以参加欧博体育app为目的进入任何成员学校也是违法的, even when special remuneration or inducement is not given.  Please remember that you may not be offered or receive any benefit, 服务, 特权或机会,而不是提供或提供给该学校的所有未来的学生.

Note: If you are interested in finding out more information about a school, contact the principal/official representative or administrator at the school, not a member of the coaching staff.

Each sport conducted by IHSA member schools has a starting and ending date. Your school may not organize a team, 在指定的开始日期前开始练习或参加某项运动的比赛. 在授权结束日期后,学校不得继续练习或参加比赛. 这意味着:

  • 在学年期间, 你不得参加由学校教练组成员执教的非学校球队,除非该球队符合章程规定的具体标准。任何学校教练都不得要求你参加非赛季的体育项目,作为学校球队成员的要求.

  • 违反运动季节规则将对您和/或您学校的教练人员造成处罚.

Playing in Non-School Competition

  • 在这段时间里,你参加了学校队在你的高中欧博体育app, 你既不能参加非学校的球队,也不能以个人身份参加非学校的同一项运动或该运动的任何技能的比赛.

  • 如果你在一个运动季节参加了非学校的比赛,随后希望加入学校队参加同一运动, 你将不符合资格.

  • 如果你想参加由国家管理机构批准的比赛, or its official Illinois affiliate for the sport, 在参加任何此类活动之前,您的负责人/正式代表必须以书面形式获得IHSA办公室的批准.

  • 当你在校队参加同一项运动时,你可以尝试参加一个非校队, 但你可能不练习, 接收指令, 参加锻炼, 或者在同一项运动中参加与非学校队的比赛,直到你不再是学校队的一员. 当你所在学校的球队在学期结束时,你将不再是学校球队的一员.

  • You will become ineligible if you participate on, practice with or compete against any junior college, college or university team during your high school career.

After you have completed your high school eligibility in the sport of football, 篮球, 足球或排球, 你可以参加其中任何一项运动的三次全明星赛,还可以为其他校队效力, provided the high school season in that sport has been completed.

  • 如果你在任何其他条件下参加任何这些运动的全明星赛,你可能会失去参加其他校际运动的资格.

  • 不限制参加除足球以外的全明星赛, 篮球 足球或排球, except that you may not do so during the school season for the sport.

Misbehavior During Contests

  • 如果你违反了比赛道德或良好的体育精神原则, you may be barred from interscholastic athletic contests, either as a participant or spectator or both

  • If you are ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct, you will be ineligible for your team’s next contest. You are also subject to other penalties.