学生/家长手册 & Policies

学生/家长手册2020-2021:指导,咨询 & 职业服务


  1. The purpose of the 咨询部门 is to help each student achieve his/her highest potential academically, emotionally, and socially.

  2. The counselor assists each student in recognizing his/her strengths and weaknesses and assists him/her in making a wise decision in the choice of a college and/or career.

Every student is assigned to a counselor who acts as an advisor, an advocate and a counselor. 辅导员将根据需要在学年期间会见每个学生. Students may arrange to see their counselors by contacting the secretary of the 咨询部门. Discussions of personal concerns are kept confidential between the counselor and the student unless the situation demands reporting because of danger or state requirements.


  • Adjustment

  • 个人问题   

  • Abilities & Interests       

  • 转介至外部机构   

  • Achievement           

  • Registration   

  • 大学的选择       

  • 自我完善   

  • 选课       

  • Study Skills   

  • 职业/事业       

  • Tutoring


  • 8年级-高中分班考试或写作样本,MAPP

  • 大一- act预科

  • 大二- act预科

  • 初级- PSAT/NMSQT (初试/国家优秀奖学金资格考试),   ACT (美国大学考试) SAT (学业能力倾向测试)

  • Senior - AP (大学先修课程考试)

高校代表, vocational and technical schools are encouraged to meet with students when they visit our school throughout the year. 学生将被允许每班每周一次学院代表访问.

学校与县政府批准的奖学金项目合作, 州和国家机构. 许多学院、大学和私人组织都提供奖学金. Students interested in applying for scholarships should remember that excellent scholastic records, 性格品质和领导能力, 杰出人才, 大学在颁发奖学金时也会考虑经济需要. 有关奖学金的资料, students should consult the 咨询部门 or visit the Alleman website under Counseling for a current listing of available scholarships.

如果你想在NCAA一级或二级学校参加运动, 首先在资格中心的NCAA资格中心注册.在你大二的时候. 访问eligibilitycenter.网站上有你高中核心课程的完整列表. Sliding Scale Divisions I and II use sliding scales to match test scores and GPAs to determine eligibility. 滑动天平平衡你的考试成绩和你的GPA. 如果你的考试成绩较低,你需要更高的GPA才有资格. 如果你的GPA很低,你需要更高的考试成绩才有资格. 在NCAA找到更多关于滑动尺度的信息.org/playcollegesports. Test Scores: You may take the ACT or SAT as many times as you want before you enroll full time in college, but remember to list the NCAA Eligibility Center (code 9999) as a score recipient whenever you take a test. We can accept official scores only from ACT or SAT and we won’t use the scores from your high school transcript. 如果你要求ACT或SAT每次考试都把成绩发给欧博体育app, 欧博体育app将从每个科目中选择最好的分数来创建您的总分数.

College Days
鼓励学生参观学院和大学. Visits may not be taken during the last week of any quarter without prior approval from the student’s counselor. 学生应向辅导员索取《欧博体育app》. The form must be completed and returned to the Main Office at least two (2) days in advance of the intended college visit. The form requires the signature of a parent and each of the student’s teachers. 返回后,学生必须提交, 在大学的信笺上, 招生人员签署的声明, 作为他/她在校期间的证明. This signed verification must be taken to the Attendance Office for readmission to classes. This absence will be recorded as a college visit only if the proper procedures are followed.

Study Abroad
Alleman supports student growth and increased knowledge of other cultures; however there are many things to consider before deciding on a year abroad.

  • 毕业要求仍然有效. 课程必须事先获得美国航空学院的批准.

  • 必须满足每半学分60小时的州要求.

  • 学生有责任确保成绩单发送到AHS.

  • Grades that we do receive are often “S” or “U” and they will not be changed to a letter grade. All such courses will be recorded as Pass (P) or Fail (F) on the Alleman transcripts.

  • Students will receive credit, but the course grades will not be part of their G.P.A. 从历史上看,留学一年对学生的ACT分数没有帮助.

  • 在找大学的过程中,大三和大四都很重要, 申请和奖学金流程.

  • Students are responsible for determining how their transcript without a letter grade will be perceived by the college of their choice.

欧博体育app鼓励学生在入学前与辅导员密切合作, 在做出决定期间和之后. Alleman students participating in an exchange student program as a part of their four years of high school credit are required to pay the General Fee for the year that they are away at school.

Alleman High School always attempts to provide a Catholic education for all students regardless of student ability. However, the school is limited in the types of accommodations it can make for students of atypical ability. 欧博体育app考虑每个学生的个人情况. The following outlines what is necessary in assessing a student’s situation and Aleman’s ability to meet the special needs that are identified for the student.

  1. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the School Resource Teacher at the start of each year if they are requesting special accommodations.

  2. 学生必须有一个当前的评估, diagnosis and plan completed by a licensed/certified professional in the psychological field. This professional can be of the parents’ choice or can be done through the student’s public school district. 学生家长负责评估的费用. “当前”是指评估文件少于三(3)年. 如果文件超过三年,则需要进行新的评估. This evaluation will contain a list of suggested accommodations for the student.

  3. 学校资源教师, 必要时与其他学校人员一起, will review the student’s situation and professional recommendations to determine which accommodations Alleman can provide.

  4. All accommodations that incur cost above that covered by the regular tuition will need to be paid by the parents of the student receiving the accommodations.

  5. The student’s parents/guardians will receive a written copy of the agreed upon accommodations. The appropriate school personnel, parent/guardian, and the student will sign this agreement.

  6. 一旦协议签署, the student’s counselor will notify the student’s teachers in writing of the accommodations within two (2) weeks.

  7. It is also the responsibility of the parent/guardian to request extended time on standardized tests. 这必须至少提前三(3)个月. A current evaluation must be on file at Alleman for this service to be provided.

  8. It is the student’s responsibility to notify his/her counselor if the agreed upon accommodations are not being provided in the classroom.

  9. In the event that the student is persistent in not cooperating with the agreed upon plan, Alleman高中可能会拒绝继续与该学生合作.